Sometimes people feel that flowers are not appropriate and ask for donations to a specific charity, often one that the deceased was involved with or perhaps, which is in some way connected with the cause of death. Donations may be sent care of us. We can also provide our donations collecting box at the funeral if requested.
If you have asked us to handle charitable donations, where possible, we will acknowledge each donation individually and hold the fund open until all donations have been received. We then write to the charities concerned enclosing the donations, and write to you to advise the total received, enclosing a list of the people who have sent a donation.
‘Gift Aid’ Donations.
The Gift Aid system is a very beneficial way for donors to increase the value of the donation they give. Subject to a few simple rules, you may make your donation , big or small, and the charity will be able to reclaim the current level of the basic rate of tax. Donors must be UK tax payers and fill in the appropriate declaration to accompany the donation.
We are able to accept secure credit card and debit card donations on-line via the MuchLoved.com tributes and donations system. To read more about terms of use and processing fees for MuchLoved please see their Terms & Conditions of Use.
Online Donations.